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Advantech | SRP-FPV241-AE
4K Ultra-HD MultiMonitor TM Ready ThinClient, 5 x HDMI, 1 x DP, 8 x USB ports

Realize the true value of thin client and centralized management technologies with Advantech’s ThinManager Compatible industrial thin clients. Rockwell ThinManager, the leading thinclient solution for the factory floor, and Advantech’s industrially hardened thin client hardware provide a unique solutions for centralized management of factory floor applications. The SRP-FPV241-AE is the perfect ThinManager MultiMonitor industrial thin client for applications where flexibility and cost savings of 5 monitors per client is desired. The SRP-FPV241-AE also supports the dual video interfaces of 4K resolution such as: DP and HDMI. Its ultra-HD video ports are especially perfect for overview of supervision in control room.

Catalog Number: SRP-FPV241-AE

about Advantech

Founded in 1983, Advantech is a leader in providing trusted innovative embedded and automation products and solutions. Advantech offers comprehensive system integration, hardware, software, customer-centric design services, and global logistics support; Advantech has always been an innovator in the development and manufacture of high-quality, high-performance computing platforms. We cooperate closely with our partners to help provide complete solutions for a wide array of applications across a diverse range of industries. To realize our corporate vision of Enabling an Intelligent Planet, Advantech will continue collaborating and Partnering for Smart city & IoT Solutions.