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Advantech | SRP-FPV220
Process Visualization Solution - Charting & MES Analyzing Data for Production Optimization

This Solution Ready Platform allows users to easily collect data from shop-floor devices via multiple communications such as Modbus, OPC UA, and MQTT and automatically generates Excel reports of production activities. A 100% web-based dashboard allows users to view visual production information such as yield rate trends, equipment utilization or downtime alarms, available anytime on any mobile device supporting HTML5 browsers. Valuable information about field equipment, energy consumption and the environment can also be integrated within the MES system via open interfaces including SQL database and RESTful/ SignalR API’s to help optimize production planning and provide efficiency analysis improvements. Visit Solution Introduction and Get Free Demo at

Catalog Number: SRP-FPV220

about Advantech

Founded in 1983, Advantech is a leader in providing trusted innovative embedded and automation products and solutions. Advantech offers comprehensive system integration, hardware, software, customer-centric design services, and global logistics support; Advantech has always been an innovator in the development and manufacture of high-quality, high-performance computing platforms. We cooperate closely with our partners to help provide complete solutions for a wide array of applications across a diverse range of industries. To realize our corporate vision of Enabling an Intelligent Planet, Advantech will continue collaborating and Partnering for Smart city & IoT Solutions.